garlic (20)
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Lesser Evil Super 4 Snacks kale and roasted garlic: Tubular shaped, crunchy snacks coated with a bold garlic flavor. Composed of white bean, quinoa, lentil, and chia. Addicting but shouldn't be eaten without a breath mint on hand. 3.0/5.0

super4 lesserevil kale roastedgarlic garlic super 4 roasted 3.0
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Wonky kale and coconut snack: Crispy fried kale that is well seasoned and pretty tasty. Slight sweetness, but I wouldn't guess there was coconut. Each bag has a very small amount. Good garlic flavor that doesn't leave an unpleasant aftertaste. 3.0/5.0

wonky kale chips wholefoods garlic coconut snack 3.0
2017 01 16 19.39.57

Stonefire Garlic Parmesan Naan Crisps: As someone who spends a fair bit of time in the snack aisle, I get a chance to witness food trends and am happy about the rise of Indian snacks outside of the ethnic foods aisle. The line between chips and crackers are being blurred, with items like pita chips, rice crackers, and crisps presenting themselves as healthier options. This particular brand promises "authentic" "flame baked" chips combining the eastern naan with more western garlic and parmesan flavors (when's the last time you ... (read more) 3.0/5.0

andronicos stonefire garlic parmesan naan crisps 3.0
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Calbee Hot Garlic Shrimp Crackers: Another unexpected take on this classic Chinese shrimp cracker, this time "hot garlic." Ridged crisps are tossed in a tangy seasoned coating that is unmistakably garlic but not particularly spicy. Somewhat reminiscent of a sweet paprika flavor mixed with MSG. Same delicious savory shrimp flavor. I don't know if I like it more than the original, but I don't regret trying it either. 3.0/5.0

berkeleybowl seafood chinese calbee hot garlic shrimp crackers 3.0
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YBC Garlic Steak Chips: Aerial is a junk food staple in Japan consisting of layered fried corn pieces with a crispy and light texture. The underlying fried corn flavor reminds me a lot of Bugles (which also have their Japanese equivalent in a snack called Tongari Corn), but the texture of Aerials is much more fun. This particular bag inspired by garlic steak is smoky and has an intense garlic flavor, the type that leaves an aftertaste so strong that I was a little thankful I've been working / snacking in isolatio... (read more) 3.0/5.0

junkfood japanese ybc garlic steak chips 3.0
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New York Style roasted garlic bagel crisps: The type of snack that makes you terrified to open your mouth around others, even 12 hours later. Not pleasant. 2.0/5.0

bagelcrisps garlic avoid bagels newyorkstyle roasted bagel crisps 2.0