fruit (82)
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875771367655769804 1397986312

Liberte peach and passion fruit yogurt: A tropical fruit-on-the-bottom snack. Slightly better than average. 3.0/5.0

yogurt passionfruit mango liberte harvest peach passion fruit 3.0
860269806670350127 1397986312

Pemberton Farm dried cantaloupe: Like most dried fruit, this is very sweet, but chopped into small pieces, it's perfect on oatmeal and other hot breakfast cereals. Condensed melon flavor. 3.5/5.0

cantaloupe melon dried fruit recommended pembertonfarm 3.5
858352884676593493 1397986312

Sunsweet Amazin Berry Blend: Mix of dried plums, cranberries, cherries, and blueberries. The berries have a waxy coating that leaves your hands feeling greasy. The plums are cubed and have a similar texture to fruit leather. Flavor-wise, it's a decent blend and less expensive than many alternatives. 2.5/5.0

fruit driedfruit cherry plum blueberry berries cranberry sunspot sunsweet amazin berry blend 2.5
850164693851210827 1397986312

Harvest dried blueberries: Addictingly good. A ton of flavor, perfect for adding to oatmeal or hot cereal. 4.5/5.0

blueberries driedfruit fruit coop cambridge harvest exceptional dried 4.5
757239424203654577 1397986312

Petillant Vimto fruit soda: Vivid red-colored soda, incredibly artificial, crazy sweet. 2.0/5.0

drinks petillantvimto fruit soda 2.0
747332102958384698 1397986312

Haribo tropifrutti: Intensely flavored tropical gummies. wish we had these snack packs in the US. 3.5/5.0

recommended candy fruit haribo tropifrutti sweets