Cheeseboard Focaccia : High quality roasted tomatoes, whole olives, and capers top this slightly chewy yet light focaccia from Cheeseboard. Seasoned just right and with a drizzle of olive oil, it’s a deeply satisfying savory mid-day snack. Definitely going to miss living around the corner from this spot! 4.0/5.0
recommended berkeley bread tomatoes olives capers cheeseboard focaccia 4.0United's Bistro on Board's chicken and swiss focaccia: In a moment of weakness and extreme hunger (and after an hour delay on a ~6 hour flight) I gave into paying almost $10 for an in-flight meal. What I received was surprisingly edible. The focaccia had a strong tomato flavor, not too dissimilar from a hot pocket, and the chicken was actually not that dry. The bread sticks to the back of your teeth like most frozen meals. The sandwich came scalding hot, probably straight from the microwave. Definitely an overpriced, (likely) frozen meal, but p... (read more) 2.5/5.0
united sandwich focaccia chicken uniteds bistro on board's swiss 2.5