dark (15)
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Morinaga Carre de Chocolat Strawberry Dark Chocolates: One of the delightful things about chocolates in Japan, even inexpensive options available from convenience stores, is they often have clever packaging, the type that make you want to display them and share them with other people. This box of 18 chocolates, costing about $3 USD, contains gold-foil-wrapped dark chocolate squares sized similarly to banquet-style individual servings of butter, the top half tasting of tart and sweet strawberry and the bottom half dark chocolate. The base of th... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese morinaga carre de chocolat strawberry dark chocolates 3.5
844426360659412087 1397986312

OCHO mini coconut chocolate: An elevated, square-shaped peppermint patty with a dark chocolate coating. Substantial and satisfying for a bite-sized candy. 3.0/5.0

chocolate organic dark darkchocolate coconut ocho candy mini 3.0
963670775860331623 1397986312

Kind Plus dark chocolate and cherry cashew bar: A nut and fruit bar dipped in a generous amount of chocolate. Classic flavor combination. Overall, a snack you can generally feel good about, but not exceptionally tasty. 3.0/5.0

kind chocolate cherry cashew fruit nut bar kindplus dark 3.0
2017 01 22 18.03.02

Kashi Dark Mocha Almond Chewy Granola Bars: Leaning towards the crunchier side of the chewy granola bar spectrum, Kashi's whole grain granola bars contain barley, rye, and oats, as well as roasted almonds and sizable dark chocolate chips. Very lightly sweetened with a mild mocha flavor. I was hoping it would be more filling, but the bar alone would not be enough for the afternoon, and having two granola bars just feels like too much. Overall, it's decent, but not a product I'd likely purchase again. 3.0/5.0

chocolate oats kashi dark mocha almond chewy granola bars 3.0
A03a776d 4e98 48d4 bf6e 0939b21ebd69

Berkeley Bowl Dark chocolate Malt Balls: I wish malt balls were shelf stable so they could be purchased without any coating. Until then, they seem so only exist in chocolate covered balls, as is this bulk snack from Berkeley Bowl. The chocolate coating is significantly thicker than that found on Whoppers or Maltesers, but as a side effect, the predominant flavor and texture is that of dark chocolate. When the chocolate layer is consumed first, the malt interior is found to be crunchy unlike the melt-in-your-mouth consistency of mas... (read more) 3.0/5.0

candy berkeleybowl dark chocolate malt balls 3.0
Psx 20181126 211140

Trader Joe's Mini Dark Chocolate Mint Coins: About 3/4 of the size of a Girl Scout's Thin Mint, TJ's mini version is black on black, with a mint chocolate cookie covered in dark chocolate. It tastes exactly as you would expect it to, which isn't too different than a Thin Mint, just slightly thinner and with less of a chocolate coating. In other words, neither good nor bad. 3.0/5.0

cookies darkchocolate chocolate traderjoes mini dark mint coins 3.0