cherry (14)
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Polar Tart cherry limeade seltzer: Like the initial bite into a ripe juicy cherry, amplified 5x, this seltzer has an intense concentrated flavor without any of the sweet qualities of fruit. It tastes artificial in the way that Cherry Coke doesn’t actually taste like cherry, but rather an imagined scenario where you could reduce the flavor of a mouthful of cherries into a single simplified taste. Lime trails behind, with a zingy citrus note at the end of each sip. Highly carbonated. 3.0/5.0

drinks polar tart cherry limeade seltzer 3.0
858352884676593493 1397986312

Sunsweet Amazin Berry Blend: Mix of dried plums, cranberries, cherries, and blueberries. The berries have a waxy coating that leaves your hands feeling greasy. The plums are cubed and have a similar texture to fruit leather. Flavor-wise, it's a decent blend and less expensive than many alternatives. 2.5/5.0

fruit driedfruit cherry plum blueberry berries cranberry sunspot sunsweet amazin berry blend 2.5
1068922046900372934 1397986312

Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water
1068922046900372934 1397986312

Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water 2.5/5.0
11261689 1131399580217966 543902024 n

Icee popping candy: People who know me know I'm not into movies. But the one thing I did love about movies as a kid was having an excuse to get an Icee, the horrendously sweet, artificially flavored slushie that turned your mouth blue. My latest munchpak contained an assortment of pop-rocks-style Icee candies with an accompanying lollipop, presumably to be eaten like Fundip. I skipped the lollipop and had each flavor individually. All had a familiar taste, but just like the drinks, the blue raspberry was the be... (read more) 2.5/5.0

munchpak icee poprocks candy raspberry cherry orange 2.5 popping
1254835512281433217 1397986312

Danone cherry yogurt: Beyond the foreign labeling, this joghurt tastes just like regular Dannon. On the sweet side, with a thin consistency and a couple slivers of fruit. 2.0/5.0

dannon yogurt cherry 2.0 danone