caramel (32)
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Pxl 20210315 111400531

Sahne Muh-Muhs Caramel Fudge: Found in Natural Lawson, these caramels are originally from Germany and feature generous rectangular pieces that are more like fudge in texture than the chewy, stretchy caramel I expected. The consistency is coarse and grainy - it crumbles when you bite into it. I was disappointed to find that it didn't have a particular buttery flavor, tasting more of pure sugar than anything else. A disappointing purchase. 2.0/5.0

candy lawson sahnemuhmuhs caramel fudge 2.0 german
1096011469672449154 1397986312

Sweepy crackers with Dulce de Leche dip: Avoided this snack to the point that it became the last in my #munchpak. Sad, flavorless biscuit sticks with a basic caramel sauce. Not offensive per se, but not a snack I would ever eat again. 1.0/5.0

sweepy dulcedeleche caramel avoid crackers dulce de leche dip 1.0