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Trader Joe's pumpkin seed brittle: I am not against pumpkin flavored things, as you may have guessed from my steady stream of pumpkin snack reviews from Trader Joe's. This week, I purchased seasonal brittle, dusted with sugar and pumpkin pie spices (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cardamom) and with whole pumpkin seeds throughout. Immediate out of the box, the permeating smell is butter. And since smell plays such a key role in taste, I can't help but feel like I'm eating a crunchy stick of butter. The scent even lingers on your hands afterward. Overall, the sugar coating pushes the snack over the edge, as it's already very sweet. But my main problem with the snack is the overwhelming butter content. Digestible in small doses. 2.5/5.0

traderjoes brittle pumpkin pumpkinpie spiced sweets 2.5 seed