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Golden Steamer Hot dog bao: This savory hot dog bao comes in a swirled conical shape reminiscent of pigs in a blanket and contains a small Chinese sausage, about the size of a frozen American breakfast sausage - in other words, a sort of cultural crossover from an alternate universe. The bread is slightly sweetened and chewy. Overall, it’s a good sweet and savory option, but if you’re looking for protein, go for the Big Bun. Still, it’s tasty for what it is and costs only $1. Note: Unfortunately, I will no longer be based close to this Chinatown bakery, which I’ve really enjoyed frequenting this summer. This will be the last review I write of Golden Steamer for a while. There are a lot of cheap foods in NYC - some are good enough because they’re cheap, and others are good and just happen to be cheap. Golden Steamer falls into the latter category; their $1 buns are unparalleled in value, but also just great tasting regardless of price. They’re worth seeking out if you find yourself in the area. 3.5/5.0

recommended nyc chinatown bread goldensteamer hot dog bao 3.5