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Ripple Unsweetened original pea milk: I decided to try this plant-based milk after months of seeing it in the dairy-free section of the milk aisle. I’m not lactose intolerant but enjoy alternatives like soy milk and almond milk. This pea milk doesn’t taste like any milk I’ve had before. I expected it to have a fairly sweet flavor like fresh green peas, but instead it had an off putting bitter aftertaste that I would describe as what I imagine burnt hay may taste like. It’s really unpleasant to drink and I keep trying find ways to pair it with other ingredients so I don’t have to drink it straight-on, but it has ruined a few smoothies and I’ve resigned to forcing myself to finishing the bottle on my own. One of the worst drinks I’ve had in recent memory. 1.5/5.0

avoid drinks ripple unsweetened original pea milk 1.5