yogurt (163)
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牧場の瓶ヨーグルト 宮崎 ひゅうが夏 : This is the second time I had a hyuganatsu snack, a seasonal Japanese citrus fruit available in the summers. Though I haven't had the actual fruit, the flavor was quite consistent across the two flavored yogurts I've tried. This brand of yogurt came in a very cute glass jar, the type whose rim is small enough that it requires the use of dainty miniature spoon. It was very creamy and quite rich, probably made using full-fat milk, and had a slightly floral, lemon-like flavor. The texture o... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended yogurt japanese citrus 宮崎 ひゅうが夏 3.5
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Morinaga Mango yogurt with aloe cubes: Pieces of aloe in creamy yogurt did not seem appealing to me when I first moved to Japan, but now having it for breakfast or a small snack feels like a daily routine. Generally, the Morinaga yogurt is runny and has a slightly tart flavor, and the cubes of aloe add a burst of juicy sweetness. The aloe yogurts come in a variety of fruit flavors a nd have bits of fruit inside on top of the aloe; the mango version is a nice tropical treat. 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese morinaga mango yogurt aloe cubes 3.5
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Yotsuba Peach Yogurt: Japanese peaches taste a little different to me than American ones – they're sweeter and juicier, and good ones are highly coveted. This peach yogurt, made with Milk from Hokkaido, is good quality Japanese yogurt that any fan of peaches could enjoy. And luckily, I don't believe this is a seasonal flavor, so you don't need to worry that it'll soon be gone. 3.5/5.0

recommended seijoishi japanese yotsuba peach yogurt 3.5
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Morinaga Strawberry aloe yogurt: I will miss aloe yogurt, with it's combination of tangy loose yogurt and chewy, juicy aloe cubes. While it seems like the soft-on-soft textures might not be a match, they are unexpectedly harmonious. This strawberry version has the typically sweet berry flavor you'd expect alongside small pieces of strawberry. I like it as much as the original -- it's definitely a standard snack you can find anywhere, but it's dependably good. 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese aeon morinaga strawberry aloe yogurt 3.5
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Cocojune Strawberry Rhubarb Organic Cultured Coconut: This vegan yogurt replaces milk with coconut and eats more like a custard than dairy-based yogurt. The fruit (organic strawberry and rhubarb) has been fully mixed, giving the product a generally smooth consistency. I found the thick texture to be compelling for an alternative yogurt, falling in between regular and greek yogurt in thickness. And the product is not overly sweet, with 7g of sugar in a package. That being said, because it's coconut based, it is high in saturated fat (65% of ... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended cocojune strawberry rhubarb organic cultured coconut 3.5 sprout yogurt
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Brown Cow apricot mango cream top yogurt: A fruity, rich snack with cubes of fruit distributed throughout. The consistency of the yogurt is variable, giving it an almost homemade-like texture (somewhat watery, clumped). Not overly sweet. 3.0/5.0

yogurt apricot mango creamtop browncow cream top 3.0