toscanini (2)
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Toscanini coconut and pecan nutcake ice cream sandwich: Refreshing with shredded coconut, too big to eat without a bowl 3.0/5.0

toscanini coconut pecan nutcake sandwich icecream
2016 09 11 15.17.54

Toscanini Green Tea and Miso Soft Serve: As an end of summer treat, I found myself at Toscanini's realizing I had never had their soft-serve before. Luckily, they had an intriguing offering of green tea swirled with miso (you can order them separately if you desire). The texture of the ice cream was excellent: smooth, creamy, and very consistent. The flavors themselves were pleasant but seemed to be designed for a more neutral palate – the matcha is more sweet than herbal, and the miso tastes like sesame but does not have a dist... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended match cambridge softwerve toscanini green tea miso soft serve 4.0