sevenstarsfarm (2)
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775350759990789551 1397986312

Seven Stars Farm low fat plain yogurt: Organic yogurt that had an acidic aftertaste and smooth, silky texture. Perfectly balanced with a bit of honey and fresh fruit. 3.5/5 3.5/5.0

recommended organic sevenstarsfarm low fat plain yogurt 3.5
1073548839401850222 1397986312

Seven Stars Farm organic lowfat plain yogurt: This yogurt comes from a dairy farm in Chester County, PA and has a tangy flavor. Because no artificial thickness are added to the yogurt, it quickly develops an uneven, clumpy texture after opening. I found the texture to be slightly off putting but also wondered if this is just what "natural" yogurt tastes like. Until I try others like this, I can't say for sure. 3.0/5.0

sevenstarsfarm organic yogurt 3.0 lowfat plain