raisin (8)
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Pxl 20210305 073559238

Nezu No Pan Black Sesame Raisin Bread: I loved the bread I was gifted from this bakery in Nezu so much that I wanted to see all the flavors they had to offer. I bought two more mini-loaves to try. The first was sliced black sesame raisin bread, with a thin crust and chewy stretch interior mixing a healthy amount of black sesame and plump raisins. I really liked the savory taste of the black sesame, but I found the raisins to be overpoweringly sweet – about half the quantity would have been better balanced in my eyes. The quali... (read more) 3.0/5.0

bread tokyo nezu nezunopan black sesame raisin 3.0
1011832587969398121 1397986312

Paris Baguette oatmeal raisin cookie: Hard and crunchy, far too sweet, buttery but with no crumble. 1.5/5.0

parisbaguette cookie dessert sweets oatmealraisin oatmeal raisin 1.5