queensisetan (8)
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Pxl 20210225 013646736

Kubota Strawberry Milk Popsicle: This frozen treat is flavored with milk but has a consistency more like a fruit popsicle than ice cream (it doesn't have the smooth texture of ice cream when you bite into it, but has more water content than cream). Slices of strawberry are embedded in the ice cream so you get both the fruit and the bar in each bite. The strawberry was nice and tart, but I wasn't fully convinced about the milk bar, which had a fairly neutral flavor overall. Purchased from Queens Isetan. 3.0/5.0

popsicle queensisetan japanese icecream kubota strawberry milk 3.0
Pxl 20201121 115334160

中央製乳 愛知の梨アイス Pear Milk Ice Cream: Fruit is generally quite expensive in Japan, and it feels even more so because of the very small portion sizes – there's no so much thing as buying a large 1lb bag of grapes here. Fruits are also very seasonal, so for the most part, I've been eating only bananas and oranges and I seem to have missed pear season. That's why when I saw this pear dessert in the ice cream aisle, I was excited to try it. I had expected it to be a sherbet or even a type of Italian ice from its packaging, but it... (read more) 4.5/5.0

exceptional icecream queensisetan japanese 愛知の梨アイス pear milk ice cream 4.5