peanutbutter (21)
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Chimes peanut butter ginger chews: After sampling the surprisingly good mango ginger chews, I gave this unexpected flavor combination a try. Like most ginger candy, each is individually wrapped and dusted with a powdered coating, which prevents the candy from sticking too much to the wrapper. Small pieces of peanut are dispersed throughout the chew, and the nutty spicy combo overall works well. Three grams of sugar for a small chew seems like a lot, but in small quantities, this treat is good. 3.5/5.0

chimes ginger candy peanut peanutbutter 3.5 recommended instafood butter chews
1164977466709935836 1397986312

Cheerios Multi-grain peanut butter Cheerios: On my last normcore grocery trip, I was tempted to purchase a childhood favorite: peanut butter cereal. A quick glance at the nutrition facts of Peanut Butter Crunch, though, made me think twice. Instead, I opted for the less colorful packaging of multi-grain Cheerios, which I assume is targeted towards adults like me (who enjoy junky sweetened cereal once in a while but also want to seem responsible and somewhat healthful). The cereal was actually really satisfying: it had a classic if unr... (read more) 3.5/5.0

cheerios cereal generalmills peanutbutter 3.5 recommended multi-grain peanut butter
Img 9744

Safeway Community Market Chocolate peanut butter maltballs: Massive multilayered malted milk ball with a malted inner core surrounded by a peanut butter filling, all encased in a glossy layer of milk chocolate. A much more interesting alternative to peanut butter cups. Doesn't have the same melt in your mouth texture other malted snacks may have due to the sheer volume of it. Purchased from the impressively vast bulk section at the new Safeway Community Market (formerly Andronico's) in Berkeley. Serving size is apparently 7 pieces, but I can assure y... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended candy peanutbutter malt safewaycommunitymarket chocolate peanut butter maltballs 3.5
Img 0166

Kind Peanut butter dark chocolate granola bars: Once you've had any Kind bar, you know exactly what to expect from any other flavor: mixed grains and textures (both chewy and soft), a decent filling portion size, and good value. This peanut butter chocolate flavor is standard, but satisfying. As far as granola bars go, Kind is reliably good. 3.5/5.0

recommended peanutbutter kind peanut butter dark chocolate granola bars 3.5 granolabars
Ec8ff2c8 0c2d 4608 a6a4 4e3f94c6b523

Little Debbie’s Nutty Buddy: I grew up eating these as a child, so they hold a special place in my heart. But that honestly would not keep me from saying they were horrible if I felt that way tasting them again as an adult. To be honest, I’ve never seen these snack bars in any grocery stores I’ve visited as an adult, so I never had a chance to reassess them until recently, when a coworker brought them to an office celebration. They still come in packs of two, which is pretty excessive as one is certainly enough. But I w... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended chocolate peanutbutter littledebbies nutty buddy 3.5
Img 1798

Kind Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Bar: Kind is a rare brand where quality meets affordability. Their mantra, "Ingredients you can see and pronounce," clearly manifests in their packaging and choice of ingredients. This bar, combining glazed nuts drizzled with dark chocolate on top of a chocolate-coated granola base, is familiar yet executed well. A good, filling snack. 3.5/5.0

chocolate peanutbutter granola protein kind peanut butter dark bar 3.5