passionfruit (9)
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You Love Fruit passion fruit punch snack: This organic fruit leather snack has a fruit-by-the-foot feel, with heart-shaped slices you peel off of a paper backing. Each pack contains 16 sizable hearts, equating to two servings. It's not overly sweet like many fruit snacks are, and the passion fruit flavor is pure if not the most pronounced. Good source of fiber. Tastes healthy but not quite like a health food snack. 3.0/5.0

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1160628892677211815 1397986312

Happy Lemon passion fruit green tea with lychee jelly: My love for this chain brought me to the deep abyss of the Downtown Crossing Corner Mall food court, a ragbag of fast food joints including the likes of Subway, Dunkin Donuts, and suspect Asian fare. As I navigated through the bleak aroma of fried teriyaki, the bright yellow Happy Lemon sign materialized like a beacon of hope. The counter had several dentist-sized cups filled with a Yakult-flavored drink with aloe; the sampling was overly sweet, but I attributed this mostly to the Yakult pro... (read more) 2.5/5.0

happylemon drinks boston lychee passionfruit tea juice 2.5 passion fruit green jelly
13414290 1163072913780788 129233710 n

Kirks pasito passion fruit soda: Continuing my sampling of Australian carbonated beverages, I purchased this tropical soda to pair with some fish and chips. The soda is sickening sweet but does have a passion fruit flavor, even if it's artificial. On closer inspection, I found that Kirk's is owned by Coca-Cola, though it is from Queensland, Australia. 2.0/5.0

kirks soda drinks passionfruit 2.0 kirkspasito passion fruit