japanese (360)
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747359631022785797 1397986312

Nissin coconut sable: Glazed coconut cookies with sugar coating. Buttery, sweet, and yummy. 3.0/5.0

recommended japanese cookies hmart nissin coconut sable 3.0
773955786280043796 1397986312

Ito En jasmine green tea: Cclean herbal flavor, refreshing on a hot day, stronger than many bottled teas. 3.0/5.0

greentea match japanese drinks itoen jasmine green tea 3.0
813695614206641428 1397986312

Pocky Matcha: Crunchy biscuit sticks coated with creamy and floral green tea icing. Surprisingly flavorful for its size though artificially flavored. 3.0/5.0

greentea japanese hmart pocky matcha 3.0
838777823892375520 1397986312

Sakuraya red bean mochi: Good consistency for store-bought mochi. Satisfying and filling snack size. Red bean filling is pretty standard and on the sweet side. 3.0/5.0

mochi redbeam sakuraya japanese red bean 3.0
907328147158238911 1397986312

Hapi green tea pudding: Japanese pudding with a very traditional asian pudding texture (more gelatinous and set than American pudding). The green tea flavor is on the sweet side and conventionally artificial yet nostalgically satisfying. Pricy for the size (each cup costs slightly over a dollar from hmart). 3.0/5.0

hapi japanese greentea matcha pudding hmart green tea 3.0
907356332394579349 1397986312

Lotte Koala's March matcha-flavored cookies: Cuteness aside (and these koala snacks are super cute) these are a decent snack. The matcha filling is not overly sweet or rich, and the cookies add crunch (but not much flavor). The portions are kid-sized, so they're not particularly filling. 3.0/5.0

matcha lotte japanese koala cookies greentea koala's march matcha-flavored 3.0