instafood (8)
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365 Organic Blueberry Vanilla granola bars: Chewy and sweet, and slightly reminiscent of a scented candle, make no mistake; this is a dessert in a bar. 3.0/5.0

organic wholefoods blueberry vanilla 365 granolabar instafood 3.0 granola bars
12558525 186271535062369 1562622237 n

Bibgo Seaweed Crisps: I broke the first rule of purchasing snacks at an ethnic grocery store (buy products with the least amount of English). Still, Bibgo is a Seoul-based company, lending it some credibility. This snack is unique with its combination of normally soft seaweed with a crisp rice cracker backing. The chips are surprisingly sweet, and initially, I liked the snack a lot. The more I ate, though, the more the rice flavor dominated. I would have preferred better balance with more seaweed flavor. A bag ha... (read more) 3.0/5.0

bibgo seaweed korean hmart 3.0 crisps instafood