cheddar (78)
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A349f6e5 a715 48ae 85a5 92d2c3ba058f

Beanitos Better cheddar and sour cream pinto bean chips: High fiber + protein tortilla chips made of bean (instead of corn). They have a more crumbly texture than your typical chip and a stronger flavor. Together, with cheddar and sour cream, I expected it to taste like a bean dip, but it was strangely muddled and unbalanced. Do not recommend. 2.5/5.0

tortilla veggie chips beanitos better cheddar sour cream pinto bean 2.5
206b292f a87b 4cb7 9428 91d8aad7d712

Beanitos White bean Mac n cheese crunch: These corn-alternative snacks have an irregular crunchy texture with a similar size to puffed Cheetos. The Mac n Cheese flavor is just a marketing spin on cheddar (more on an actual cheese puff whose flavor resembles boxed Mac and cheese in a forthcoming review). They have a slightly less neutral taste than regular corn puffs, with an aftertaste that resembles wheat snacks. Not bad, but not particularly memorable. 3.0/5.0

junkfood cheese cheddar cheesepuffs beanitos white bean mac n crunch 3.0
1121501221716526807 1397986312

Bearito's Cheddar Puffs: Baked cheddar corn puffs made with non-GMO verified ingredients. The cheddar coating is somewhat unevenly distributed; when I first opened the bag, the top was not very seasoned, but in the middle of the bag, the puffs were more thoroughly covered with cheese powder. The cheddar flavor is tangy and a little bit funky, like a health food cheese flavor (as opposed to a junk food one). Somewhat reminiscent of powdered cheddar cheese you might have with boxed mac and cheese. The texture of the p... (read more) 3.0/5.0

cheese cheddar cheesepuffs bearitos 3.0 nongmo puffs
13398760 153960221684211 269290266 n

Bega farmers' tasty cheddar cheese: This snack was given to me on my Virgin Australia flight. The Australian cheese is sharper than it is creamy. A snack size was substantial and filling. Generally satisfying. 3.0/5.0

bega cheese australian 3.0 cheddar farmers' tasty
2016 10 22 15.49.51

Berkeley Bowl Cheddar Whales: From the bulk section, these cheddar crackers are larger than most (about 2x the size of a goldfish and 1.5x Annie's cheddar bunnies). Its cheddar flavor is less tangy than some (for example, Horizon cheddar crackers) but has a distinct taste all its own, I think from the different spices added, including paprika and turmeric. While I didn't find it overseasoned, reassessing the label made me realized that a portion has about 1/4 of your daily serving of sodium. I'm not convinced this is ... (read more) 3.0/5.0

crackers berkeleybowl cheddar whales 3.0
2016 12 03 14.36.46

Berkeley Bowl Southwest Snack Mix: I've gotten into the bad habit of going to Berkeley Bowl when I'm hungry, which means I'll usually stop by the bulk aisles and find something to munch on while I shop. The last time this happened, I picked up their Southwest Snack mix, which contains snacks I would never purchase on their own like corn nuts, multigrain tortilla chips, and seasoned cashews. The fully flavored snack is generously spiced, with a decent amount of heat and a little bit of smokiness. The best parts are the corn... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended berkeleybowl cornnuts nuts peanuts cashews tortillachips crackers cheddar southwest snack mix 3.5