browncow (5)
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1235928153639389023 1397986312

Brown Cow vanilla Greek yogurt: Of the four I tried, this flavor was the most distinctive. It's on the sweet side but has a nice mellow vanilla flavor and creamy texture. 3.5/5.0

yogurt browncow greekyogurt vanilla recommended greek 3.5
858355454929307633 1397986312

Brown Cow apricot mango cream top yogurt: A fruity, rich snack with cubes of fruit distributed throughout. The consistency of the yogurt is variable, giving it an almost homemade-like texture (somewhat watery, clumped). Not overly sweet. 3.0/5.0

yogurt apricot mango creamtop browncow cream top 3.0
1235923660717721326 1397986312

Brown Cow blueberry Greek yogurt: Standard fruit-on-the-bottom fare here. Decent quality yogurt that is not as thick as great Greek yogurt, but good for the price. 3.0/5.0

yogurt 3.0 browncow blueberry greek
1233022478777091454 1397986312

Brown Cow strawberry Greek yogurt: Like the peach flavored yogurt, this one has a tart flavor and creamy consistency. The strawberry flavoring is familiar - not bad, but not great. 3.0/5.0

browncow strawberry yogurt greekyogurt wholefoods 3.0 greek
1233021112616781141 1397986312

Brown Cow peach Greek yogurt: Nonfat Greek yogurt with peach fruit on the bottom. More running than Fage but not bad. Decent quality for the price point. I got them on sale 5 for $5, so get ready for a lot of reviews. 3.0/5.0

yogurt browncow greekyogurt peach 3.0 greek