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Kobe Fugetsudo Gaufres: Kobe Fugetsudo is an established Japanese confectionery brand offering various cookies and sweets. Without realizing they were called gaufres, I grew up eating mini gaufres from my local Chinese supermarket. Gaufres are sandwich cookies with wafer-like crisps and a thin layer of cream between. The Kobe Fugetsudo version is massive, at about 6.5" in diameter and just a couple millimeters thick. Unlike the store-bought cookies I had growing up, these wafers are crispy and light with a faint sweetness, and the cream is distinctively rich. I thought eating an entire wafer would be overindulging, but after finishing half, I quickly consumed the rest. My only criticism is that the texture reminds me a bit of Joy ice cream cones, so I wish they were less styrofoam-like. Otherwise, very satisfying! 4.0/5.0

kobefugetsudo japanese gaufres wafer strawberry 4.0 recommended