vegetable (2)
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Yaya’s Herb and garden vegetable popcorn : More herb than vegetable, this popcorn tastes strongly of oregano and olive oil. Because of its one-dimensional taste, it has been sitting in my pantry for several months now, an unheard of amount of time for any snack in my apartment. Would not recommend, but the popcorn otherwise (fluffy and light) is good enough that I would consider trying Yaya’s other flavors. 2.5/5.0

berkeleybowl yayas herb vegetable popcorn 2.5
863195495518209398 1397986312

365 Assorted Entertainment Crackers: mix of 6 crackers that comes in a very neat and convenient serving tray. All are surprisingly flavorful except the water cracker, but that's ok because you're supposed to put toppings on them anyhow. My favorites are the vegetable cracker and the English graham cracker. 3.5/5.0

crackers 365 wholefoods graham wheat vegetable recommended assorted entertainment 3.5