shake (9)
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2017 07 16 14.20.23

In-N-Out Neapolitan Shake: A not-so-secret item available at fast-food chain In-N-Out is the Neapolitan shake, combining their strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate shakes to create an insanely sweet and thick concoction. When I was a grad student at Stanford, I ordered this shake once in a while when I found myself eating a quick meal at In-N-Out, getting through about 1/4 before feeling stuffed. Having the drink again after 5 years away from the bay area, I had a similar reaction, yet it still manages to have the tas... (read more) 3.0/5.0

drinks shakes milkshakes innout neapolitan shake 3.0
2017 07 21 22.01.08

Sweetheart Cafe Avocado Slush with Boba: A creamy drink that tasted more like milk than avocado. The standout component was still the boba, which remains singular in its chewy consistency. Overall, though, I would recommend another beverage at this Berkeley favorite just a block away from Sather Gate. 2.5/5.0

drinks boba berkeley shake sweetheartcafe avocado slush 2.5
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Dydo Melon Shake: There were always tons of Dydo vending machines in Tokyo selling discounted drinks at most street corners or metro stops. Perhaps because drinking in public is considered a bit of a faux paus in Japan, lots of the vending machines sell very small bottles for quickly quenching your thirst. This small melon shake came in a stout aluminum can / bottle and is an uncarbonated combination of melon and sugary milk. It had an unmistakable cantaloupe flavor but tasted more like candy than a drink.... (read more) 2.0/5.0

drinks vendingmachines japanese dydo melon shake 2.0