seabuckthorn (2)
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2017 07 04 14.30.54

Great Northern Food Hall Seabuckthorn Lemonade: We celebrated Fourth of July (a bit behind on reviews...) with Danish dogs at the Great Northern Food Hall, a Nordic food court in Grand Central Terminal (NYC) serving everything from open faced sandwiches to pastries to specialty drinks. To accompany the (tasty) hot dogs, I purchased a Seabuckthorn lemonade, which had a mostly opaque orange color that could easily be mistaken for orange juice save for the orange seabuckthorn berries floating on top. Acidic and slightly sour, it was a refr... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks nyc greatnorthernfoodhall seabuckthorn lemonade 4.0
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Gua Maral Sea Berry Lactis: Purchased this miniature bottle of juice from the Tsukuba train station at a shop dedicated to local products. From the illustration, I gather that it's sea-buckthorn juice, and it was super tart and a little milky, almost like a yogurt drink in consistency. I've had sea-buckthorn a few times, mostly at Nordic shops and restaurants, and it has a very unique sour flavor. I love it, but I can also see how it might not be to everyone's taste. Would want to have it with breakfast every day, per... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended juice seabuckthorn berries japanese guamaral sea berry lactis 4.0