Bernie's Best Gravenstein apple cider: The last time I was a Cheeseboard, I purchased an excellent bottle of Autumn Blend apple cider from Bernie's Best. This time, I opted for the only other flavor available at the pizzeria: Gravenstein apple. Unfortunately, this flavor lacked the depth achieved in the Autumn Blend and altogether tasted pretty typical for a decent store-bought apple cider. Not bad by any means, but also not worth going out of the way for. 3.0/5.0
organic drinks applecider juice berniesbest gravenstein apple cider 3.0Booster Juice Ginger Hammer: Potent mix of ginger, apple, and carrots with no added sugar. A healthy option in a sea of otherwise fast-food joints. Helped sustain me through a long flight from Toronto back to the Bay Area. Good for ginger lovers; got others, it may be too strong. 3.5/5.0
drinks recommended juice carrots boosterjuice ginger hammer 3.5Edward & Sons Organic Ginger Culinary Juice: To be fair, this product is labelled as a culinary juice, rather than regular juice you would drink on its own. The label suggests adding it to soups, smoothies, and sauces. I decided to try it straight out of the bottle, thinking it was more of a mixer than a barebones ingredient. The ginger juice is basically exactly as it sounds, tasting of boiled down ginger that's been strained to produce a slightly milk, beige liquid the color of an iced coffee. Has a decent spicy aftertaste. It h... (read more) 2.5/5.0
drinks edwardsons organic ginger culinary juice 2.5 parkslopefoodcoopFarm Fresh to You fresh squeezed orange juice: Purchased from the Ferry Building in SF, this drink was slightly better than Tropicana, though I wish it contained pulp and had a sharper citrus flavor. 2.5/5.0
drinks organejuice farmfreshtoyou sanfrancisco ferrybuilding 2.5 fresh squeezed orange juice