japanese (360)
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935151455538808382 1397986312

Kameda Soft Salad crackers: Slightly more savory that's Want Want Shelly Senbei crackers, but a decent neutral snack. I prefer rice crackers paired with sweet icing, though. 3.0/5.0

softsalad kameda japanese hmart ricecrackers crackers soft salad 3.0
1029280636941403210 1397986312

L'Espoir Simosan cookies: Individually wrapped sandwich cookies with a layer of cream and liquor-soaked raisins. Comes in a royal blue aluminum tin. Cookies are very faintly flavored, buttery yet slightly dry. Cream filling is light. From Japan. 3.0/5.0

simosan lespoir japanese cookies raisins 3.0
1035102424904533238 1397986312

Yaki Anago: The dried seafood section of hmart is one of the most intriguing, and on a whim, I decided to purchase this single serving grilled eel snack. From the packaging, the strips almost look like bacon, but they have a very familiar seafood flavor. While the package had very little English, the words \"Japanese cracker\" are misleading; instead, inside are strips of eel with a soft yet meaty texture not unlike jerky. The flavor is savory and sweet, similar to the sweet glaze on takoyaki. Overall, ... (read more) 3.0/5.0

japanese yakiamago eel grilledeel hmart yaki anago 3.0
1038807512676337354 1397986312

Pocky Cookies and Cream: Creamy coating with bits of chocolate cookie. Cookie bits add texture. Coating had a waxy feel. Flavor overall is reminiscent of Hershey's cookies and cream bars. Sweeter than most Japanese snacks, but not as sweet as American candy. Decent. 3.0/5.0

pocky cookiesandcream japanese hmart cookies 3.0 glico cream
1119041764822647832 1397986312

Maruesun dried squid: I grew up eating shredded dried squid, but this is one of the first kind of I've had that is flat. To be honest, the main reason I purchased this product is because it was the least expensive at $3 a bag (about half the price of the alternatives at Hmart). Inside is bite-sized strips of squid, almost like eating beef jerky, and each strip is coated in what seems to be sugar. Overall, the coating makes the snack overly sweet, though the chewy texture and seafood flavor come through. Not bad b... (read more) 3.0/5.0

squid seafood hmart maruesu japanese asian maruesun dried 3.0
1224267377342186800 1397986312

Maeda-En black sesame ice cream: Barely sweetened ice cream with a distinctly savory black sesame flavor. Very creamy and rich. Smooth texture. 3.0/5.0

maedaen japanese hmart 3.0 icecream blacksesame dessert black sesame ice cream