Trader Joe’s Almond Eggnog: A seasonal drink, this dairy-free eggnog has a comforting spiced flavor, tasting of nutmeg, allspice, and a bit of cinnamon. Its consistency is thicker than Trader Joe’s regular almond milk, and they nailed the hue, with a slightly beige-ish-yellow color. It pairs well with cookies or other sweets, though it is pretty sweet on its own. 3.5/5.0
recommended drinks traderjoes almondmilk nondairy seasonal holidays almond eggnog 3.5Leonelli Focacceria E Pasticceria Eggnog Mousse: Decorated eggnog mousse coated with a spiced red icing, a ribbon of white chocolate, and topped with a pompom, all sitting on a short biscuit base. Impressively executed. Overall a bit rich but fine if sharing. Hiding inside is a caramel colored filling tasting of nutmeg. 3.5/5.0
recommended eggnog mousse 3.5 nyc leonellifocacceriaepasticceria