buffalo (2)
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Trader Joe's buffalo jerky: The main reason I purchased this was because I've never had buffalo before. The meat was pretty indistinguishable from beef and was very moist yet slightly chewy, like most good jerky. Flavor-wise, it's smoky and peppery with a spicy aftertaste. High in protein (21% of your daily value). 3.5/5.0

traderjoes buffalo jerky recommended meat spicy peppery 3.5
2016 12 08 12.55.39

Cheeseboard Buffalo Milk Soft Serve Ice Cream: Regrettably, I ordered the swirl of chocolate and plain milk flavors, and while the texture was smooth and creamy, the chocolate had a generic taste that masked the more mild milk flavor. While it was higher quality, this ice cream did remind me a bit of the little cups of vanilla and chocolate ice cream you ate with a wooden spoon as a kid. Not bad per se, but not great either. 2.5/5.0

icecream cheeseboard buffalo milk soft serve ice cream 2.5 softserve