biena (2)
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2017 01 07 10.24.25

Biena Habanero Chickpea Snacks: Protein-rich dried chickpea snack with a dry spice coating consisting of tomato, onion, and garlic powder, cumin, and habanero pepper (it's not spicy but well spiced). Messy to eat out of the bag as it's crumbly and quickly coats your fingers. Instead, these crunchy bits are a fantastic addition to a salad, adding enough flavor to make dressing unnecessary. That's exactly what I did when there were only crumbs left at the bottom of the bag, and what I would do if I were to purchase this s... (read more) 3.5/5.0

biena habanero chickpea 3.5 berkeleybowl
2017 03 02 08.01.30

Biena Rockin' Ranch Chickpea Snacks: An unlikely combination of fried chickpeas and ranch that works remarkably well, though I'm convinced that almost anything could be made tasty with the tangy and zesty ranch seasoning. The addictive coating is a cross between sour cream and onion and ranch dressing, making it bolder than your typical ranch snack. Adds great texture to salads but is also addictive straight out of the bag (though a bit messy to eat). 3.5/5.0

recommended berkeleybowl vegetables biena rockin' ranch chickpea 3.5