2.5 (280)
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757242023338345983 1397986312

Mom's Best Cereal toasted cinnamon squares: A slightly less guilty version of cinnamon toast crunch with whole grain and no artificial flavors. Still very (and overly) sweet. 2.5/5.0

momsbestcereal toasted cinnamon squares 2.5
761973440152635054 1397986312

Wei-Chuan red bean and jelly popsicle: Icy bar studded with red beans and slivers of green jelly. Jelly adds an intriguing texture but is mostly flavorless. Pop as a whole is in the sweet side. 2.5/5.0

hmart asian chinese weichuan red bean jelly popsicle 2.5
764056948660536993 1397986312

Goodies by Nature wasabi peas: Extremely potent and spicy wasabi flavor that makes them difficult to eat as a snack but great mixed in a salad. Nice crispy texture and crunch. 2.5/5.0

spicy goodiesbynature wasabi peas 2.5
778553509989876803 1397986312

Lifeway peach probiotic kefir: fruit yogurt drink that had a smooth texture but slightly off aftertaste. Acidic and not overly sweet. 2.5/5 2.5/5.0

drinks lifeway peach probiotic kefir 2.5
2016 07 11 18.13.23

Jia Duo Bao Herbal Tea: This brand of herbal tea seems to have dropped its iconic red bottle for a new golden one. Nonetheless, the flavor is exactly the same: more sweet than herbal but with a refreshing honey flavor. 2.5/5.0

drinks asian chinese jiaduobao herbal tea 2.5
781463871559074973 1397986312

Silang Oatmeal Crackers: nutty crumbly cookies (rather than crackers) that are barely sweetened. Comes in individual serving packs of two cookies, which makes them ideal for a quick snack in between meals (but they aren't very filling). 2.5/5.0

cookies chinese hmart japanese asian silang oatmeal crackers 2.5