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Lava Cookies Chocolate Chip Lava Cookie: These massive cookies (about 4" in diameter and 3/4" thick) are available at pastrami shop Harry and Ida's in the East Village. Each cookie costs a little under $6 each and are large enough to be easily shared. I'm not one to purchase a cookie in a bake shop, as I generally prefer other pastries and breads, but I can easily say this is one of the top cookies I've had in my life. On the interior is a molten chocolate filling whose consistency just holds together, while the cookie itself is soft and very moist (and buttery). A judicious sprinkling of sea salt balance out the sweetness, and the quality of the chocolate is excellent. Manages to push a familiar, comforting cookie into new territory, no easy feat. 4.5/5.0

exceptional baked nyc harryandidas lavacookies chocolate chip lava cookie 4.5