Morgenstern's Ginger Grapenut, Raspberry Cheesecake, and Mango Passion Rice Ice Cream: Morgenstern's, my favorite ice cream spot in NYC, has opened up an expansive shop at 88 West Houston, with an overwhelming number of flavors organized into categories like parlor favorites (including salt n' pepper pinenut and American egg), Bananas (including charred chocolate banana and banana kalamansi), and Misc (french fry, bread, and popcorn). I love options, but the menu is intimidating, even for me. This time, we tried three different scoops from three different categories. The ginger grapenut had a distinct breakfast cereal taste, reminding me more of bran flakes than grapenut or ginger in particular; the raspberry cheesecake was very rich and beautifully marbled with a raspberry swirl and graham cracker bits; I wish the mango passion rice tasted of rice or passion fruit, but the predominant flavor was mango (though there was a bit of acidity so you could taste it wasn't simply mango). I'm definitely excited to come back and try more of the options exclusive to this new location! 3.5/5.0
recommended nyc icecream dessert morgensterns ginger grapenut raspberry cheesecake mango passion rice ice cream 3.5