2fec796e 99c5 4398 bf8a e652726f3d95

Made in Nature Tart Cherry Fig Figgy Pops: I can’t tell if energy balls / chews are on the rise more generally or just commonly found in health-conscious Berkeley. But I have seen them creep up on more supermarket shelves over the past year and have given a few a try. This one by Made in Nature was purchased at Monterey Market in Berkeley and consists of 1" diameter balls densely packed with dried fruit (figs, cherries, dates) and cashews, all coated with coconut flakes. This antioxidant-rich snack is nourishing though not entirely filling. The tartness of the cherries was refreshing and well balanced. If you're into the fruit / nut power snack trend, this will be a welcome treat. 3.5/5.0

organic montereymarket madeinnature tart cherry fig figgy pops 3.5 recommended