2017 04 08 13.02.35

Benkyodo Co Mochi: One of the original mochi shops in the US, Benkyodo in Japantown, SF opened back in 1906. Today, the storefront is an odd mix of diner counter, Asian 7-11-type snacks, and fresh made mochi. All of their mochi come in cupcake liners and taste very fresh because they are. The texture is softer than I personally prefer, and there is a little too much starch that coats your mouth with each bite. But I did enjoy that they were not overly sweet. The best was certainly a mango mochi that had fresh pieces of mango inside. Others sampled include a mochi filled with lima bean paste and a green-colored mochi with red bean. Cash only. 3.0/5.0

japantown sanfrancisco japanese sweets dessert benkyodoco mochi 3.0