orange (39)
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Bundaberg blood orange sparkling drink: I'm attending a conference in Brisbane, and most meals are provided except breakfast. This has made me unable to try as much outside food as I would like, and it also means I've found myself purchasing non-breakfast items at 7am (I'm still jet lagged). I'm a fan of Bundaberg's ginger beer, so I was excited to see a blood orange offering in its native country. Overall, though, I found the drink to be too sweet and the blood orange flavor to be slightly generic. It reminds me of a less fizzy, ... (read more) 2.5/5.0

bundaberg bloodorange drinks 2.5 australian citrus soda blood orange sparkling drink
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Alta Palla Sparkling blood orange soda: Having never seen this California-based brand, I purchased this can from my local Andronico's. Unfortunately, while it's an organic product, it tastes strikingly similar to Sunkist and is unnecessarily sweet. The one good thing I can say about is that the amount of carbonation was spot on. 2.5/5.0

drinks organic altapalla sparkling blood orange soda 2.5
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Trina Naranja orange juice : This is an orange non-carbonated soft drink from Spain that has a tangy sweet flavor reminiscent of Sunkist or Tang, with a but of lemon Gatorade aftertaste. It contains 10% juice; the rest, I presume, is sugar water. Distributed by Schwepps and exclusive to Spain. I would imagine drinking this would make me super energetic if I were a kid, but I just found, after a red eye, that I only experienced the sugar crash. Purchased at the Madrid international airport. 2.5/5.0

Spain drinks trina naranja orange juice 2.5