dark (15)
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Img 20191026 115011

Raaka Oat Milk Dark Chocolate: I've been buying chocolate bars once in a while during my weekly grocery trips to the Park Slope Food Coop. This one from Raaka checks all the boxes in terms of guilt-free snack purchases (organic, single-origin, etc.), with the inside label covered in facts about where the chocolate comes from and how much it costs to produce. The packaging waxes on about using unroasted beans as a way to bring out the "brighter, bolder, and fruitier side of cacao." This particular flavor is described as... (read more) 3.0/5.0

chocolate parkslopefoodcoop darkchocolate organic raaka oat milk dark 3.0
Psx 20181126 211140

Trader Joe's Mini Dark Chocolate Mint Coins: About 3/4 of the size of a Girl Scout's Thin Mint, TJ's mini version is black on black, with a mint chocolate cookie covered in dark chocolate. It tastes exactly as you would expect it to, which isn't too different than a Thin Mint, just slightly thinner and with less of a chocolate coating. In other words, neither good nor bad. 3.0/5.0

cookies darkchocolate chocolate traderjoes mini dark mint coins 3.0
874204556246157185 1397986312

Two Brothers Belgian dark chocolate with sea salt: Rich dark chocolate flavor with crystals of sea salt. The salty flavor is prominent but surprisingly balanced. 3.5/5.0

chocolate darkchocolate twobrothers seasalt belgian dark sea salt 3.5