belgian (3)
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747338941133522645 1397986312

Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookies: Pleasantly spiced, good level of sweetness, reasonable portion sizes, spiced 3.5/5.0

recommended belgian traderjoes speculoos cookies 3.5
795874043094140646 1397986312

24 chocola crispy choc: Thin, pringle-shaped chocolate "chips" studded with mini crispy rice. A far more elevated version of a crunch chocolate bar (from Belgium) 3.5/5.0

chocolate belgian european candy crispy choc 3.5 24chocola
874204556246157185 1397986312

Two Brothers Belgian dark chocolate with sea salt: Rich dark chocolate flavor with crystals of sea salt. The salty flavor is prominent but surprisingly balanced. 3.5/5.0

chocolate darkchocolate twobrothers seasalt belgian dark sea salt 3.5