3.0 (568)
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813695614206641428 1397986312

Pocky Matcha: Crunchy biscuit sticks coated with creamy and floral green tea icing. Surprisingly flavorful for its size though artificially flavored. 3.0/5.0

greentea japanese hmart pocky matcha 3.0
808637490370217048 1397986312

Cascadian Farm Oatmeal Raisin granola bars: Chewy granola bars with a balanced spiced sweetness. The mouth feel is a little starchy, perhaps to achieve the chewy texture. Kids-sized bars are about 2/3 the size of regular ones. 3.0/5.0

granolabar kidsized cascadianfarm oatmeal raisin granola bars 3.0
803987952091039447 1397986312

Trader Joe's pomegranate and blueberry cereal: Crunchy flakes with pomegranate clusters and freeze dried blueberries. The clusters taste more of cherry than pomegranate. The cereal altogether is sweet and tart. My favorite part is the flakes, which hold up well in a bowl of milk. Turns your milk anywhere from a light lilac to a deep purple (based on how hungry you are). 3.0/5.0

cereal breakfast pomegranate blueberries traderjoes blueberry 3.0
803990473354282773 1397986312

Field Day Organic Golden Round Crackers: Flaky, buttery crackers that are a tasty snack on their own, but even better topped with a bit of cheese. The crackers are a little on the salty side. 3.0/5.0

fieldday organic golden round crackers 3.0
799397090363213594 1397986312

Pirate's Booty Mac and Cheese with Mild Cheddar: Modeled after Kraft Mac and cheese with the same shaped pasta and bright orange sauce, this mac & cheese is made with organic pasta and contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. It tastes slightly tangier than Kraft, but has a similar vibe overall. Nonetheless, it's something you can feel slightly better about eating. 3.0/5.0

macandcheese cheddar cheese macaroni pasta piratesbooty mac mild 3.0
798242768241853756 1397986312

Ritter Sport marzipan chocolate: Soft almond filling encased in dark chocolate. The combination overall is on the sweet side, but still satisfying. 3.0/5.0

chocolate rittersport marzipan darkchocolate german 3.0