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Lotus Foods sweet & savory Thai arare rice crackers: I'm usually wary of non-Asian brands taking on Asian flavors (and charging more for it), but I was interested in what Thai-flavored rice crackers might taste like - I usually associate rice crackers with Chinese or Japanese flavors. This snack is made of heirloom brown and black rice, with several differently shaped and flavored pieces. I will say that if you munch on them, you don't really get much Thai flavor. It's only if you let the crackers dissolve a bit on your tongue that you taste something reminiscent of garlic. A big part of rice crackers is the texture, though, so adding flavor at the loss of texture is not a great tradeoff. Still, just as rice crackers, I found them to be quite tasty: mildly seasoned, hearty and not too dense, slightly spiced. I look forward to trying other flavors. 3.5/5.0

lotusfoods ricecrackers thai wholefoods 3.5 recommended rice sweet savory arare crackers