Loacker Vanilla Wafers: Made with Bourbon vanilla pods, these wafer cookies have a solid vanilla flavor but are too sweet overall. The wafers themselves have a more satisfying crispy texture than Garden wafers, the type you typically see in Asian grocery stores, but I prefer Garden's as they're more substantial and also less sugary. 3.0/5.0
italian sweet loacker vanilla wafers 3.0Lotte Coolish Vanilla Ice Cream: I bought this ice cream out of the novelty of the packaging, a foil pouch where you squeeze soft service ice cream through a small nozzle. It makes it very easy to eat ice cream on the go and eat just as much as you want, though to be honest I ate it at home and in a single serving. The ice cream flavor is really familiar and nostalgic, like soft serve you might get at McDonald's. It's so sweet that you can feel the texture of the ice crystals as you consume it. You have to wait a few mi... (read more) 3.0/5.0
icecream japanese Daiei lotte coolish vanilla ice cream 3.0Luna Vanilla Yogurt with Summer Hyuganatsu Citrus: This brand of yogurt comes in 3-packs, all with a different primary-colored label. Unfortunately, my inability to read Japanese made it impossible to know what those colored labels meant, but this particular yellow one shows a bear hugging a large yellow-colored fruit resembling a pomelo, which I assumed to be the flavor. Only after doing some research after I got home did I find that the fruit is a Hyuganatsu, which is a type of Japanese citrus hybrid between a yuzu and pomelo. I was sur... (read more) 3.0/5.0
yogurt japanese inegaya luna vanilla summer hyuganatsu citrus 3.0Morgenstern’s Raspberry chocolate with orange vanilla softserve: Morgenstern’s $1 softserve, created in partnership with Street Easy and with proceeds going towards Women in Need, is a no-brainer because where else are you going to get this quality ice cream for $1? An all-white appearance belies the fruity flavors beneath, with a mix of raspberry and orange vanilla. The citrus flavor is especially prominent and well balanced. Not a fan of the white chocolate or sprinkles that adorn it, which overly simplify the otherwise great quality ice cream. Perfect ... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended icecream softserve nyc dessert morgensterns raspberry chocolate orange vanilla 3.5My Super Cookies Blueberry Vanilla Hero Whole Grain Cookies: These are surprisingly tasty whole grain cookies that contain a bunch of ingredients not normally associate with cookies like quinoa and chia seeds. They have a distinctively sweet blueberry flavor that tastes truer to the fruit than blueberry cereal bars. The serving size is small, and they are kind of expensive (I got them when they were on sale at Whole Foods), but otherwise I recommend trying them. 3.5/5.0
organic wholefoods recommended mysupercookies blueberry vanilla hero whole grain cookies 3.5