Stonyfield Organic vanilla flavored Smooth & Creamy yogurt: A decent vanilla yogurt, but sweet than I would prefer. Texture is soft. 3.0/5.0
organic yogurt stonyfieldorganic vanilla flavored smooth creamy 3.0Creative Snack Co. Vanilla Almond Granola: Offered as a complimentary snack on my Delta flight. Better-than-average granola, with decently-sized clusters and a naturally honey sweetness. A welcome snack when you have few other options thousands of feet in the air, but I wouldn't purchase it on the ground. 3.0/5.0
delta flight creativesnackco vanilla almond granola 3.0Loacker Vanilla Wafers: Made with Bourbon vanilla pods, these wafer cookies have a solid vanilla flavor but are too sweet overall. The wafers themselves have a more satisfying crispy texture than Garden wafers, the type you typically see in Asian grocery stores, but I prefer Garden's as they're more substantial and also less sugary. 3.0/5.0
italian sweet loacker vanilla wafers 3.0Beard Papa Strawberry Cream Puff with Vanilla Cream: As far as I know, the Westfield mall in SF is a no-mans land as far as snackable foods go. Not wanting to spend much money and not willing to walk all the way to Chinatown, I purchased a strawberry-flavored cream puff from Beard Papa, located in the mall's foodcourt. The strawberry icing is sweet and tart – a bit like strawberry Pocky but with a less waxy mouthfeel. The puff itself was slightly crispy but generally light, while the vanilla flavored custard was quite rich and just a little... (read more) 3.0/5.0
pastries desserts beardpapa strawberry cream puff vanilla 3.0Forager Vanilla Cashewgurt: This non-dairy yogurt made with cashew milk had a much thinner consistency than regular yogurt. It’s almost like a non-cream-based soup in terms of viscosity. Texture aside, the flavor is decent, but not particularly memorable. You might even say it was a bit vanilla. 3.0/5.0
yogurt nondairy berkeleybowl forager vanilla cashewgurt 3.0Annie's Organic cocoa, honey, and vanilla friends bunnies: A new cereal from Annie's consisting of bunny-shaped puffed grains. The cocoa, honey, and vanilla flavors are in good balance such that a regular portion size leaves a bowl of milk tasting of mild chocolate milk, less sugary and deep in color than full-on chocolate cereals. An organic take on kids cereal that's still enjoyable as an adult, though it is very sweet (though not using high fructose corn syrup). 3.0/5.0
recommended annies organic cocoa honey vanilla friends bunnies 3.0