Peace Cereal Vanilla almond cereal: This almond flavored cereal consists of corn flakes, oat clusters, and sliced almonds. Wholesome and solid all around. 3.5/5.0
recommended berkeleybowl breakfast peacecereal vanilla almond cereal 3.5Coppenrath Traveller Vanilla Cookies on Tour: Purchased the vanilla flavor of these cookies after enjoying the caramel one. The vanilla is much more standard and run of the mill, but still has a decent crumbly texture and good value (the bag can last me more than a week and costs less than $3). If you're going to pick a flavor, though, I would definitely go with the caramel. 2.5/5.0
berkeleybowl sweets coppenrathtraveller vanilla cookies on tour 2.5It's-It Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich: Finally had one of these San Francisco classic frozen treats, with vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two oatmeal cookies, all covered in dark chocolate. In other words, it's essentially everything you really shouldn't eat if you're watching your diet. That being said, some treats can be well worth it when eaten infrequently. It's-It is not one of them. This hefty ice cream sandwich is extremely sweet, and the ice cream has a strange whipped-cream-like flavor and texture. I was pretty... (read more) 2.0/5.0
icecream sanfrancisco itsit frozen icecreamsandwich ice cream sandwich 2.0 vanilla chocolate cookie oatmealBeard Papa Strawberry Cream Puff with Vanilla Cream: As far as I know, the Westfield mall in SF is a no-mans land as far as snackable foods go. Not wanting to spend much money and not willing to walk all the way to Chinatown, I purchased a strawberry-flavored cream puff from Beard Papa, located in the mall's foodcourt. The strawberry icing is sweet and tart – a bit like strawberry Pocky but with a less waxy mouthfeel. The puff itself was slightly crispy but generally light, while the vanilla flavored custard was quite rich and just a little... (read more) 3.0/5.0
pastries desserts beardpapa strawberry cream puff vanilla 3.0Dandies Vanilla Marshmallows: Vegan marshmallows. Much more resilient than Jetpuffs, with a chewy but firmer texture. Stronger vanilla flavor as well, but tastes overwhelmingly sweet. Irregularly shaped- some are as big as jumbo-sized marshmallows, while others are like two stacked mini-marshmallows combined. At $5 a bag, they aren't worth the price. 2.5/5.0
berkeleybowl sweets dandies vanilla marshmallows 2.5Loacker Vanilla Wafers: Made with Bourbon vanilla pods, these wafer cookies have a solid vanilla flavor but are too sweet overall. The wafers themselves have a more satisfying crispy texture than Garden wafers, the type you typically see in Asian grocery stores, but I prefer Garden's as they're more substantial and also less sugary. 3.0/5.0
italian sweet loacker vanilla wafers 3.0