Brown Cow vanilla Greek yogurt: Of the four I tried, this flavor was the most distinctive. It's on the sweet side but has a nice mellow vanilla flavor and creamy texture. 3.5/5.0
yogurt browncow greekyogurt vanilla recommended greek 3.5Peace Cereal Vanilla almond cereal: This almond flavored cereal consists of corn flakes, oat clusters, and sliced almonds. Wholesome and solid all around. 3.5/5.0
recommended berkeleybowl breakfast peacecereal vanilla almond cereal 3.5Chia pod Vanilla bean chia pudding: Chia seed pudding that contains a handy mini spoon and tastes of vanilla and cinnamon equally. Thick consistency that may be a turn off for those used to pudding packs but totally normal for people familiar with chia seed pudding. Overall, a sweet and well balanced snack. 3.5/5.0
recommended chiapod vanilla bean chia pudding 3.5Morgenstern’s Raspberry chocolate with orange vanilla softserve: Morgenstern’s $1 softserve, created in partnership with Street Easy and with proceeds going towards Women in Need, is a no-brainer because where else are you going to get this quality ice cream for $1? An all-white appearance belies the fruity flavors beneath, with a mix of raspberry and orange vanilla. The citrus flavor is especially prominent and well balanced. Not a fan of the white chocolate or sprinkles that adorn it, which overly simplify the otherwise great quality ice cream. Perfect ... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended icecream softserve nyc dessert morgensterns raspberry chocolate orange vanilla 3.5My Super Cookies Blueberry Vanilla Hero Whole Grain Cookies: These are surprisingly tasty whole grain cookies that contain a bunch of ingredients not normally associate with cookies like quinoa and chia seeds. They have a distinctively sweet blueberry flavor that tastes truer to the fruit than blueberry cereal bars. The serving size is small, and they are kind of expensive (I got them when they were on sale at Whole Foods), but otherwise I recommend trying them. 3.5/5.0
organic wholefoods recommended mysupercookies blueberry vanilla hero whole grain cookies 3.5365 Organic Blueberry Vanilla granola bars: Chewy and sweet, and slightly reminiscent of a scented candle, make no mistake; this is a dessert in a bar. 3.0/5.0
organic wholefoods blueberry vanilla 365 granolabar instafood 3.0 granola bars