Sprouts Farmers Market Hatch Flavored Cheese Curls: Purchased from the grocery chain Sprouts, these crunchy-Cheeto-like corn snacks feature a generous dusting of green chili and cheese flavored powder that tastes different than even jalapeno cheese snacks – it has a more smoky, peppery flavor that reminded me too much of a salsa I might enjoy in very small quantities on a taco, but not one I would eat on its own. Overall, I found the taste to be too strong to want to eat very much of. 3.0/5.0
sprouts sproutsfarmersmarket hatch flavored cheese curls 3.0Harvest Snaps Yellow and white cheddar Popper Duos: Cheese puffs are some of my favorite junk food, and this pea-based yellow and white cheddar combo snacks are even better than the original corn-based ones. They’re more dense, so they have more of a bite, but they’re still crispy, and the coating has all the rich, savory flavor of a flavor-engineered Frito Lay snack but without the weight of artificial ingredients. A super dependable tasty snack that I am sure I’ll be buying again. 4.0/5.0
recommended cheese sprouts harvestsnaps yellow white cheddar popper duos 4.0