Lay's Roasted Seaweed Potato Chips: Since when did Lay's make Pringle's canister potato chips? Unlike the classic crispy, transluscently-thin Lay's potato chips, these are very much in the style of Pringles, though slightly smaller. They surprisingly come packed in a pull-out plastic tray (so you don't have to dig for the chips at the bottom, I suppose). I purchased them from Uwajimaya (the Japanese grocery chain in the PNW), though these are Chinese. The roasted seaweed flavor has a really satisfying savory sweet flavor and... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended chips fritolays chinese uwajimaya lays roasted seaweed potato 4.0Calbee Umami Seaweed JagaRico: I used to buy the original JagaRico snack in Japan all the time – it has a solid French Fry flavor and snackable form factor that made it a dependable junk food to get from convenience stores. I hadn’t seen the umami seaweed flavor in Japan but came across it at a local Daiso. The already savory flavor of the potato sticks benefits from the flecks of seaweed and make me think that nori-dusted french fries would not be a bad idea. 3.5/5.0
recommended daiso japanese calbee umami seaweed jagarico 3.5Tohato Poteko Seaweed Flavored Potato Rings: Potato rings sized for small hands, dusted with a seaweed powder. Texturally, somewhere between a cracker and chip (less crispy than Fritos but more dense than a normal cracker). Overall, a bit bland. 2.5/5.0
japanese tohato poteko seaweed flavored potato rings 2.5Natural Idea Finger Pancakes - Seaweed Flavor: My friend SengMing brought me this snack, which he purchased from 99 Ranch, an Asian supermarket. Directly translate to "Finger Pancakes" (there is no English on the label), these miniature biscuits are irregularly shaped and really do look like pancakes, with the same kind of coloration ( a darker toasted brown on the edges) that you get when you actually make pancakes on the stovetop. The sweet and savory seaweed flavor is super tasty and distinct, with a much more concentrated taste of ... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended asian chinese biscuits naturalidea finger pancakes - seaweed flavor 4.0 ranch99Lays Nori seaweed potato chips: One of my favorite things is when friends gift me snacks to review (thanks Anjali!). These Lays potato chips are from Thailand and are seaweed flavored, not sushi (which was my first guess upon seeing sushi rolls on the packaging). The texture and consistency is as you would expect (thin and crispy, as much oil as it is potato), and the chips have green nori flecks that make them look like sour cream and onion. It's as sweet as it is savory, which I didn't expect but also seems to be the cas... (read more) 3.0/5.0
recommended potatochips thai international lays nori potato chips 3.0 seaweedKuan Sheng Food Seaweed Thin Crackers: These are specialty crackers from Taiwan that are bright matcha green. They contain a kitchen sink of Asian ingredients, from buckwheat to glutinous rice, mung beans, green tea powder, black sesame, and, of course, seaweed. Altogether, though, it somehow works, creating thin, buttery cookies that taste earthy yet faintly sweet and has a slight medicinal quality to it (it contains some mixed Chinese herbs as well). My mom brought this home as a gift from one of her students, so I’m not sur... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended cookies asian taiwanese kuanshengfood seaweed thin crackers 4.0