365 Organic barbecue potato chips: Slightly smoky mesquite flavored chips. Overall impact is pretty mild. Crispy and thinly cut. 3.0/5.0
wholefoods 365 barbecue chips potatochips bbq 3.0 organic potatoUji Purple Potato Soft Serve: Returning to this small ice cream shop on Shattuck to sample additional soft serve flavors, I tried their seasonal purple potato ice cream, which came in a lovely shade of lavender. The ice cream had a rich milk flavor with only a hint of potato at the end. Given that the tofu, black sesame, and matcha flavors from Uji are all vastly superior (I've sampled all three flavors by now), I wouldn't recommend the purple potato ice cream, but it's decent. 3.0/5.0
icecream japanese berkeley uji purple potato soft serve 3.0 ujitime softserveBitsy's Brainfood Sweet potato oatmeal raisin cookies: I was a fan of the zucchini gingerbread carrot cookies I previously purchased from this brand, so I decided to try another flavor from their line. The alphabet-shaped cookies are crunchy and dense and have a pleasantly spiced, lightly sweetened flavor, with just a hint of vegetable at the end. No whole raisins to be found - the ingredients appear to be ground into the same mix. Suspiciously, these cookies were a very similar shade of brown as the zucchini gingerbread carrot ones and also had... (read more) 3.0/5.0
vegetables bitsysbrainfood sweet potato oatmeal raisin cookies 3.0 berkeleybowlBetter Made Special Barbecue flavored potato chips: This brand of chips was founded in Detroit, which is where I ate a bag during a conference snack break. The chips are thin and slightly crispy but mostly saturated with oil. Seasoned with a sweet tangy vinegar-based powder, it has all the classic flavorings of a bbq chip. It falls squarely in the middle - just so so. 3.0/5.0
potatochips junkfood bettermadespecial barbecue flavored potato chips 3.0Quillo Fried egg potato chips: I’ve tried a good range of flavored potato chips, but this fried egg flavored bag from Spanish brand Quillo is new territory. According to the ingredients, it contains “flavor of egg,” followed by an impressive list of chemical ingredients. At the end of the ingredients list is a warning that the product may contain traces of shrimp and eggs. If there is only trace amounts of actual egg, what is it that makes these chips taste like hard boiled eggs? Because, in fact, they bizarrely taste ve... (read more) 3.0/5.0
potatochips quillo fried egg potato chips 3.0Lonely God Japanese Seaweed Flavor Potato Chips: A quintessential Chinese snack whose name is likely the result of a mistranslation, these auger-shaped potato snacks are about 1.5 larger than Frito flavor twists and slightly softer in texture. They're coated in a savory sweet seaweed powder. Purchased from Hong Kong Supermarket, they're one of the many examples of Asian snacks commonly found in 7-11s in Taiwan, but difficult to find in America. Overall, I wish the snack were crispier, and they are sweeter than I prefer for a savory snac... (read more) 3.0/5.0
asian nori chinese hongkongsupermarket lonelygod japanese seaweed flavor potato chips 3.0