Newman's Own Ginger Hermits: These soft cookies are remarkably like Fig Newtons, with the same rectangular shape and dried fruit (raisins) throughout. While spiced like a holiday cookie, there is little ginger flavoring I could discern. Decently filling and moist, with a chewy texture. 3.0/5.0
cookies spiced newmansown ginger hermits 3.0Newman's Own Mint Chocolate Newman O's Cookies: Since I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of Newman Own's ginger sandwich cremes, I decided to get an alternative flavor. The mint flavor is similarly good, with a prominent mint flavor and hearty chocolate cookies. I like leaving the bag open so that the cookies get a little softer and less crumbly. 3.5/5.0
recommended wholefoods newmansown mint chocolate newman o's cookies 3.5Newman's Own Ginger O's: Ginger sandwich creme cookies that are nicely spiced and generally very good. Made with organic flour and sugar. Ginger flavor really comes through. Would purchase again (a rarity for me). 4.0/5.0
recommended newmansown ginger gingeros sandwichcookies cookies 4.0 o'sNewman's Own Wintergreen mints: So-so. Mint flavor is mild, and the texture is somewhat chalky. 2.0/5.0
mints newmansown wintergreen 2.0Newman's Own Organic vanilla alphabet crackers: Pretty good save for the very odd savory aftertaste akin to oregano 2.0/5.0
avoid newmansown organic vanilla alphabet crackers 2.0Newman's Own ginger mints: Fragrant and prominent ginger flavor that isn't overpowering. 2.5/5.0
newmansown ginger mints 2.5