Lay's Roasted Seaweed Potato Chips: Since when did Lay's make Pringle's canister potato chips? Unlike the classic crispy, transluscently-thin Lay's potato chips, these are very much in the style of Pringles, though slightly smaller. They surprisingly come packed in a pull-out plastic tray (so you don't have to dig for the chips at the bottom, I suppose). I purchased them from Uwajimaya (the Japanese grocery chain in the PNW), though these are Chinese. The roasted seaweed flavor has a really satisfying savory sweet flavor and... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended chips fritolays chinese uwajimaya lays roasted seaweed potato 4.0Lay’s Cucumber Potato Chips: One thing I find overwhelming but also awe-inspiring is that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to try every flavor of Lay’s potato chips. These cucumber-flavored chips were purchased at an Asian grocery store and originate from China. Perhaps this is unsurprising, as crushed cucumbers, flavored with salt and vinegar, are a perennial side dish in Chinese restaurants. These chips are both savory and sweet, with a remarkably true-to-name flavor. They taste more vegetal than sal... (read more) 4.0/5.0
Kamman chinese chips potatochips junkfood lays cucumber potato 4.0 recommendedLay’s White Cheddar Poppables: I was hoping these would be like 3D Doritos, but unfortunately they didn’t have the same impact. The chips are like football-shaped pockets with a lattice exterior similar to waffle fries. The dominant taste is of fried oil, and the white cheddar is there but not especially strong. I wouldn’t try them again, or any other flavors in this product line. 2.5/5.0
safeway lays white cheddar poppables 2.5