Uchi Cafe Strawberry milk with tapioca and pulp: Japanese convenience stores had a wide variety of coffee beverages to chose from; one surprising offering is their packaged tea and milk drinks containing tapioca, often available in the same refrigerated section as the coffee. They come with an expandable bubble tea straw and contain boba-like spheres more akin to popping boba than chewy fresh boba. The snap of the popping boba, though, was more satisfying than I expected. Kind of like a cross between kefir, with a slightly tangy / sour ... (read more) 3.0/5.0
lawson drinks japanese uchicafe strawberry milk tapioca pulp 3.0Sahne Muh-Muhs Caramel Fudge: Found in Natural Lawson, these caramels are originally from Germany and feature generous rectangular pieces that are more like fudge in texture than the chewy, stretchy caramel I expected. The consistency is coarse and grainy - it crumbles when you bite into it. I was disappointed to find that it didn't have a particular buttery flavor, tasting more of pure sugar than anything else. A disappointing purchase. 2.0/5.0
candy lawson sahnemuhmuhs caramel fudge 2.0 germanLong Chips Cheese Mashed Potato Snack: These are quite literally long chips, made of mashed potatoes rolled out into thin long sheets (the entire length of the packaging), fried in oil, and seasoned with a cheese powder. They're super crispy and a bit fragile, given how thin they are, but their unique shape and texture makes them an ideal cross between a cracker and a chip. Kind of like Pringles in terms of fried potato flavor, but the cheese is also uniquely not cheddar -- it tastes a bit like Swiss and parmesan combined. The... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended nautrallawson lawson chips longchips cheese mashed potato snack 3.5Calbee 大人の ポテリッチ カマンベールベーコン味 Camembert Bacon Flavor Potato Chips: According to the press release for this limited edition flavor, Calbee introduced a line of ポテリッチ "Potato Rich" chips for adults in October 2020 partially in response to the trend of increased drinking at home due to the pandemic – these chips are meant to pair well with alcohol. The combination of meat with cheese was surprising to me, and as far as I know is not actually something that's done here in Japan. The actual flavor is a combination of bacon and camembert, and you can definitely... (read more) 3.0/5.0
chips japanese camembert bacon lawson calbee 大人の ポテリッチ カマンベールベーコン味 flavor potato 3.0Koikeya Mozzarella and lemon potato chips: In theory, this unexpected mozzarella and lemon combination seems like it would be a bit odd, but it's actually surprisingly good, like a more creamy and mild sour cream and onion flavor with a lemon kick. The acidic lemon seasoning is the first taste you get, but the chips have a milky and tangy finish, almost like a sour yogurt. I'm generally not a big fan of the cheese flavored snacks I've had here in Japan, but this is definitely an exception. Purchased at Lawson 100. 4.0/5.0
lawson japanese recommended cheese potatochips koikeya mozzarella lemon potato chips 4.0Happy Pocket Zackey Strawberry Wafer: Purchased this box of square, individually-wrapped wafers from the 100¥ Lawson convenience store. It consists of two different layers: a thicker strawberry icing filling, with bits of freeze dried fruit, and a thinner chocolate layer. The dried fruit was refreshingly tart, the wafers crispy but otherwise fairly ordinary. I haven't seen it elsewhere than the 100¥ store, which makes me think it's probably on the low end of the junk food totem pole. 3.0/5.0
japanese lawson happypocket zackey strawberry wafer 3.0