Quaker's Honey Graham Oh's: Very sweet graham cracker flavored cereal. Feel kind of guilty snacking on it, but it's delicious on its own or with a glass of milk. 3.0/5.0
cereal quakers honey graham oh's 3.0Trader Joe's Honey wheel pretzels: On the salty side, but nice amount of sweetness. 2.5/5.0
traderjoes honey wheel pretzelsWheat Thins honey wheat stix: Box says "natural flavor with other natural flavor." Tastes of "other natural flavor." 2.0/5.0
wheatthins honey wheat stixErewhon's honey cinnamon graham's: Thick crackers that are organic, low fat, and bland. 3.0/5.0
organic wholefoods erewhons honey cinnamon graham's 3.0Happy Herbert's honey wheat pretzels: Sweet snack that avoids the most common flaw of pretzels (overseasoning) 2.5/5.0
happyherberts honey wheat pretzels 2.5